HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND! Harry Gets Furious And slaps Meghan On The Face For Throwing Hot Water on lilibet.


The once picture-perfect Sussex household has descended into utter chaos, with a shocking incident of violence between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle leaving their relationship on the brink of collapse. According to multiple eyewitness accounts, the drama unfolded last week at the family’s Monaco Mansion when tensions boiled over in a horrifying way.

The incident reportedly began when Meghan became enraged over their daughter Lili’s latest crying fit. While preparing Lili’s bottle in the kitchen, Meghan is said to have “snapped” and hurled the still-steaming hot bottle at the infant. Fortunately, the bottle missed Lili and instead shattered against the wall, but Meghan’s violent outburst was far from over.

When Harry rushed in to comfort their distressed daughter, Meghan is reported to have turned her rage towards him. Eyewitnesses claim that Meghan slapped Harry hard across the face, leaving a visible handprint on his cheek. The prince, described as usually gentle and loving, was said to have been stunned into silence for a moment before finally erupting.

Harry is said to have angrily grabbed Meghan by the shoulders, shaking her and yelling, “Why did you do that? What is wrong with you?” The explosive confrontation continued for several more minutes, with the couple trading vicious insults and accusations as nearby staff cowered in fear.

Eventually, it was Meghan who stormed off, leaving Harry alone to tend to the now hysterical Lili. The prince is reported to have spent the next half hour soothing his daughter and cleaning up the mess from the shattered bottle.

In the aftermath of the incident, both Harry and Meghan have been uncharacteristically silent, making no public appearances or statements, and their social media accounts have gone dark. Royal sources say the tension in the Sussex household is palpable, with the pair barely speaking to one another.

“This was a huge wake-up call for Harry,” the insider reveals. “He’s finally seeing the darker side of Meghan that so many people have been warning him about. I think he’s really starting to question everything.” As for Meghan, the source claims “The Duchess is mortified by her own behavior, but is also stubbornly refusing to apologize. Her pride is getting in the way; she’s still trying to justify what she did rather than admitting she was wrong.”

The incident has also reportedly sparked concerns among the couple’s inner circle, with friends and staff worried the marriage may not survive this latest scandal. “Harry and Meghan have been through a lot, but this feels like a real breaking point,” the source confesses. “The trust is shattered, and I’m not sure if they’ll be able to come back from this.”

The public at large has also been weighing in on the shocking altercation, with social media abluzz with commentary. While some have expressed shock and outrage over Meghan’s alleged actions, others have rallied behind the Duchess, claiming she was simply having a moment of frustration that got out of hand.

For now, the future of the Sussex family remains uncertain, with trust broken and tensions at an all-time high. It’s anyone’s guess whether Harry and Meghan will be able to salvage their marriage, but one thing is clear: this latest scandal is sure to have far-reaching consequences, both for the couple and the monarchy as a whole. The world is watching with bated breath to see how it all unfolds.

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