Lady Colin Leaks Secret Sign Meghan Markle Didn’t Like Her Engagement Ring & Have Sold It For Money.

Lady Colin

Lady Colin: Today, we’re diving deep into the juiciest scandal to rock the monarchy since, well, since the last time Meghan Markle breathed. That’s right; we’re talking about the infamous case of the disappearing engagement ring.

So now, let me paint you a picture: it’s 2017, and the world is watching as Prince Harry, our favorite ginger royal, sits down with his bride-to-be, the oh-so-American Meghan Markle, for their first engagement interview. We are all on the edge of our seats waiting to catch a glimpse of that sparkler. But hold on to your fascinators, ladies and gents, because what happens next is more shocking than finding the Queen secretly binge-watching The Crown.

Picture this: the interviewer, bless her heart, asks Meghan about the ring, and what does our dear Duchess-to-be do? She looks down, smiles that million-dollar smile, and then passes the buck to Harry faster than you could say “gold digger.” Oh yes, my friends, she deflects that question like a paparazzi’s on her tail. But wait, there’s more.

Lady Colin Campbell, bless her soul, noticed something fishy. Meghan’s got her ring hand placed just so, like she’s trying to show it off without really showing it off. It’s Harry who ends up picking up her hand and giving the full QVC treatment, describing that ring like he’s trying to sell timeshares in Botswana.

Now let’s talk about that ring for a hot second. Harry, blessed his heart, designed it himself. Yellow gold, because apparently that’s Meghan’s favorite—a big old rock from Botswana, because nothing says “I love you” like a conflict-free diamond from Africa. And to top it off, two smaller diamonds from Princess Diana’s collection. You’d think Meghan would be over the moon, right? Wrong.

Our Lady C, with her eagle eyes, noticed that Meghan only perked up when Harry mentioned his late grandmother’s diamonds. That’s right, folks, it wasn’t the thought, the design, or even the big sparkly rock that got her attention; it was the Diana connection. Now, I’m not saying she’s calculating, but if this were a math test, Meghan would be getting full marks.

Fast forward to 2019, and suddenly that ring Harry put so much thought into has gotten a facelift. The yellow gold band is gone, replaced with a thin micro-pavé band. Now, I’m not saying Meghan didn’t like the original design, but, oh wait, that’s exactly what I’m saying.

But here’s where it gets really interesting, my dear viewers. That ring, that symbol of royal love and acceptance, started playing a game of “Now You See Me, Now You Don’t.” For months, it was MIA—poof, vanished, gone, like Meghan’s acting career. Now, I know what you’re thinking: maybe she just didn’t want to wear it while doing the dishes or changing diapers. As if! This is a woman who wears white to other people’s weddings. She’s not exactly known for her subtlety or practicality.

So where was the ring? Was it in the shop getting another redesign? Was it pawned off to fund their lavish Montecito lifestyle? Or was it hiding in shame after realizing it wasn’t good enough for her Royal Highness?

But wait, just when we thought all hope was lost, just when we were ready to call in Scotland Yard, the ring magically reappeared at the “One Year to Go” event for the Invictus Games in Vancouver. There it was, back on Meghan’s finger like nothing ever happened. Now, I’m not saying Meghan sold the ring and bought a replica. I’m not saying she’s using it as collateral for a secret loan. I’m not saying anything; I’m just asking questions, folks. Questions that need answers.

Let’s talk numbers for a second. This isn’t just any old ring we’re discussing. We’re talking about a piece of jewelry worth upwards of £40,000. That’s more than most people’s houses, and Meghan’s treating it like a mood ring she got from a gumball machine.

But here’s the kicker, my friends. The expert at We Love Diamonds dropped this little bombshell: it’s emphatically known that in memory of his beloved mother, Harry always wanted to see that ring sat on the throne in one way, shape, or form. Holy irony! The ring that was supposed to sit on the throne is now sitting where exactly? In a pawn shop in Los Angeles? In the back of Meghan’s jewelry box? Or maybe it’s been melted down to make an “M” for Meghan necklace? Who knows?

Now, I know some of you are out there thinking, “Come on, it’s just a ring. Maybe she didn’t wear it because her fingers were swollen from pregnancy.” To which I say, ha! Nice try, Meghan’s PR team. We see right through you. Let’s not forget this is the same woman who wore a $4,700 Valentino dress to a wedding where she wasn’t even invited. The same woman who used private jets while preaching about climate change.

The same woman who claimed she knew nothing about the royal family before meeting Harry, despite there being photographic evidence of her posing outside Buckingham Palace as a tourist. Forgive me if I’m a little skeptical about her reasons for ditching the ring.

But wait, there’s more. Let’s circle back to that engagement interview for a hot second. Remember how Meghan only perked up when Harry mentioned the Diana connection? Well, my dear viewers, that’s what we in the business call a “tell.” It’s like in poker when someone’s got a great hand—they can’t help but smile. Except in this case, the great hand is a direct connection to one of the most beloved royals in history.

Now, I’m not saying Meghan married Harry just for his connection to Diana. I’m not saying she’s trying to fashion herself as the new People’s Princess. I’m not saying anything at all. I’m just connecting the dots, and boy, oh boy, are there a lot of dots to connect.

Let’s take a moment to appreciate the masterclass in manipulation we’re witnessing here. First, she snags the prince with her “I don’t know nothing about the Royals” act. Then she gets the ring with Diana’s diamonds. Next thing you know, she’s wearing Diana’s jewelry, mimicking Diana’s fashion choices, and even naming her daughter after Diana’s childhood nickname. Coincidence? I think not.

But back to the ring. The fact that it disappeared for nine whole months is suspicious enough. But the timing of its reappearance—that’s what really gets my detective senses tingling. It shows up just in time for a big public event when all eyes are on them. It’s like Meghan’s playing a game of “Now You See Me, Now You Don’t” with the entire world.

And let’s not forget, this isn’t just any old piece of jewelry we’re talking about. This is a royal engagement ring. It’s steeped in tradition, history, and symbolism. It’s not something you just toss in a drawer because it doesn’t match your outfit. It’s not a fashion accessory; it’s a symbol of commitment to the royal family and the British people.

But maybe that’s the problem, isn’t it? Maybe Meghan saw it as just that—a symbol of commitment to an institution she was all too eager to leave behind. Maybe every time she looked at that ring, she saw not love and commitment but chains of royal duty that she so desperately wanted to escape. Or maybe, just maybe, it’s simpler than that. Maybe Meghan didn’t like the ring. Maybe yellow gold isn’t really her favorite after all. Maybe she looked at that ring and thought, “This isn’t me. This isn’t my style.”

And you know what? If that’s the case, then shame on her. Because when you marry a prince, when you accept a ring with diamonds from his late mother’s collection, you don’t get to be picky. You don’t get to redesign it on a whim. You wear it with pride, even if it’s not your style, because it represents something bigger than your personal taste.

But here we are, watching this ring drama unfold like it’s the latest season of The Crown. Will the ring make another appearance? Will it disappear again? Will Meghan ever explain what happened to it? Only time will tell, my friends. Only time will tell.

In the meantime, we’ll be here watching, waiting, and wondering, because that’s what we do. We’re the public. We are the royal watchers, and we’re not going to let a little thing like privacy or respect get in the way of our obsession with every minute detail of the royals’ lives.

So there you have it, folks—the case of the disappearing engagement ring, a mystery worthy of Sherlock Holmes himself. Is Meghan Markle a calculated social climber who is using the royal family for her own gain, or is she just a woman who didn’t like her engagement ring and made some changes? I’ll leave that for you to decide. But remember, in the court of public opinion, the jury’s always out, and the verdict can change faster than Meghan can say “I do.”

Until then, stay tuned for more shocking stories and scandalous exposés on our YouTube channel. Remember to like, share, and subscribe to stay updated on the latest from the world of the royal family. Thanks for watching. We’ll see you again with some more fascinating news about the royal family. Bye for now.

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